Every company making and supplying products has a primary goal – customer satisfaction. Company SPINEA has the same priority. Along with the declaration of the goal, the company applies system tools to ensure the best achievements in this area.
The product offered by the company is highly specific and suitable for a particular application area. Namely, it is high precision reduction gear TwinSpin® typical with its high precision and cyclical performance. Therefore the customers should focus on available information that the company has been published in the public environment, on the communication with the company representatives in an e-mail, phone form or in person, and on technical support available during the company office hours within 08: 00 AM – 4: 00 PM.
In order to make the communication as effective as possible and to ensure maximum satisfaction of a customer with the product, company SPINEA uses the following communication media and tools towards the customers:
- Web presentation of the company www.spinea.com
It is the first contact where a customer has the opportunity to look through the entire company product portfolio. Particular product tags specify product advantages, limitations, basic calculations, and characteristics. SPINEA recommends new customers to contact the sales department or sales representative directly via e-mail or directly via the sales support form on the website www.spinea.com on the link : https://www.spinea.com/en/support/request-for-an-offer
- Catalogue and flyer forms of the product presentation
The company offers high quality printed and online product presentations to its customers. The product catalogue is updated on a 3- month basis and all visual and technical modifications are subsequently incorporated in a new, updated catalogue. Company SPINEA shall send the product catalogue upon customer request. The customer can also download it on the website at the link https://www.spinea.com/en/downloads
- Consultations with vendors and sales representatives of company SPINEA
Our Sales Department is staffed with trained vendors who are able to provide qualified advice and product optimizing. The product catalogue contained on the company website contains only basic information that a design engineer works with. Sales managers shall provide operative advice and point out similar applications using a particular application solution, and recommend an optimum bearing reduction gear. In the case of special customer requirement, they shall consult it with specialists from the Technical Department or product specialists from the Sales Department.
- General Delivery Terms – freely available document on the company website www.spinea.com. The document contains contract terms related to transport, payment, handling with bearing reduction gear, which should be met to ensure product guarantee. Along with the catalogue, it is the second most important document that a potential customer should become familiar with. The customer can download the document at the following link:
- Product samples
The company provides an opportunity to its customers to borrow samples of particular products of various product lines and sizes. The reduction gear functional principle can be demonstrated on a few samples and customers are able to check the product quality and the make.
- Following the assembly completion, company SPINEA s.r.o. performs functional test and measurement of guaranteed parameters on all bearing reduction gears. It is thus unlikely that a customer will get a defect reduction gear.
Despite consistent control regime, observance of the quality management system and applicable tests, hidden defects and subsequent reclamations occur from time to time and our company recommends the customers to report on such defects or eventual additional repair on our website:
The customer shall fill in all columns on the reclamation form, required for bearing reduction gear identification; describe the defects and working cycle, and the data of company reclaiming the product or sending it for repair. The data stated on the reclamation form are subject to personal data protection regulation. Description of the defect should be attached with a video record or photo – documentation, if possible. Having provided all required data on the form and obtaining subsequent confirmation, the company recommends following the packaging instructions stated on the online form when returning the product.
Reclamation form can be downloaded to your PC, filled in and sent via e-mail at the following address: quality@spinea.com
To download the claim protocol you can use the link: https://www.spinea.com/en/company/quality/downloads